Insights from Williams + Hughes
Superannuation guarantee amnesty: one last chance to pay compulsory superannuation for non-complying employers who employ "contractors"
Post by Damian Quail | Posted 5 years ago on Monday, November 11th, 2019

Employee versus contractor? Are you sure?

Over the past decade many Australian companies have retained the services of people who claim they are "contractors" not employees. Usually the "contractor" wants to be paid a gross fee/remuneration, stating that they will take care of income tax, superannuation and other payments. 

The attraction for the employer is a lower total cost of retaining the person as compared to bringing them on as an employee, as well as perceived flexibility in options for ending the relationship as compared to traditional employment (the thinking is that no redundancy or leave entitlements need to be paid and no notice period applies).

Such practices were common in the IT, marketing, construction and other industries, particularly so called “digital industries”. The “gig economy” has seen the practice gain pace.

The legal reality is that many "contractors" are actually employees, particularly where they turn up to work at the same place each day, take their instructions from "a boss" at the company, are paid by the hour rather than for delivering an end product, and don't have to redo their work at their cost if the deliverable is not done to the required standard.

In such cases, income tax and compulsory superannuation guarantee payments must be paid by the employer for "contractors" who are, legally, employees. If the payments are not made, significant penalties accrue over time and must be paid to the Australian Tax Office (ATO).

Often this superannuation liability only hits home when the employer tries to sell their company and the buyer's due diligence experts point out the problem. Significant superannuation shortfall payments and ATO penalties loom large for the seller, as well as a reduction in the sale price, or at least a significant escrow sum demanded by the buyer.

A superannuation guarantee amnesty is potentially available.

Legislation has been reintroduced to Parliament providing an amnesty for employers who have not paid superannuation guarantee (SG) payments. The proposed amnesty will allow fines to be avoided, provided the SG payments are made.

The Treasury Laws Amendment (Recovering Unpaid Superannuation) Bill 2019 (the Bill) was re-introduced into the House of Representatives on 18 September 2019. The Bill was then referred to the Economics Legislation Committee for further inquiry. The Committee released its report recently - available here.

The Bill provides employers who have previously failed to pay SG contributions and failed to disclose the shortfall to the ATO with a “second chance” to self-correct any historical non-compliance. 

This amnesty operates as a way for the ATO to encourage employers to disclose unpaid SG amounts for the period during which the amnesty applies - without fear that they will be liable for fines typically associated with non-compliance. 

What are my SG obligations generally?

The Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (SGAA) requires that employers pay a certain percentage of an employee’s earning into the employee’s superannuation fund. A Superannuation Guarantee Charge (SGC) is imposed on employers who fail to pay the required SG amount i.e. the SGC is the shortfall plus interest and administration costs, and this is payable by the employer to the ATO each quarter. 

Employers can also be liable for penalties for failing or refusing to provide a statement or information as required under the SGAA, which can be up to 200% of the amount of the underlying SG amount (known as Part 7 Penalties). 

How will the proposed amnesty work?

The first step is disclosing unpaid SG to the ATO. An employer who discloses SG non-compliance and pays an employee’s full SG entitlements plus any interest (which may incude nominal interest and a general interest charge (GIC)) will be entitled to the amnesty, and will avoid liability for penalties normally associated with late payment and non-compliance.  

The employer with an outstanding SG liability can either: 

  • pay the unpaid SG amounts, GIC and nominal interest directly to the ATO; or 
  • pay the unpaid SG and the nominal interest to the employee's superannuation fund, and then elect to offset these amounts against their liability for SGC and GIC (if any).

However, if employers have an existing SGC assessment for a quarter, or are otherwise unable to contribute directly into their employee’s superannuation fund, they will be required to pay the SGC to the Commissioner directly.

If the employer makes a disclosure under the amnesty, the administration charge component of the SGC will be waived (see example 1.1 in the Explanatory Memorandum). 

The amnesty is proposed to extend to all reporting quarters from the quarter commencing 1 July 1992 to the quarter commencing 1 January 2018. 

The disclosure to the ATO must be made in the correct form, and the employer must pay the amount of the disclosed SG to the employee or the SGC to the ATO (see above) within the required period. Failure to pay will mean the employer will not be able to rely on the amnesty and will be subject to the normal penalties imposed. 

It is expected that employers will be given from 24 May 2018 to 6 months after the date the Bill receives Royal Assent to make disclosure and pay the shortfall and interest (the Amnesty Period).  

In summary, in order to benefit from the amnesty the unpaid SGC must: 

  • Not have been previously disclosed to the ATO; 
  • Have been incurred between 1 July 1992 and 31 March 2018; and 
  • Not be under examination by the ATO previously.

The employer must also:

  • disclose the shortfall to the ATO within the Amnesty Period; and
  • pay the shortfall plus interest within the Amnesty Period. 

If the employer does the above things for eligible SG shortfalls, they will not be liable for Part 7 Penalties. SG amounts paid during the Amnesty Period will be tax deductable. 

If the Bill is passed, employers who have failed to comply with their SG obligations in the past should take advantage of this opportunity to avoid liability for such penalties.

Employers who fail to disclose during the Amnesty Period 

Employers who do not disclose and pay unpaid SG and interest within the Amnesty Period will be subject to higher penalties. Generally, the Commissioner has discretion to remit Part 7 Penalties. However, from the day after the Amnesty Period ends the Commissioner’s ability to remit Part 7 Penalties will be limited. According to the Explanatory Memorandum, the Commissioner will not be able to remit penalties below 100% of the amount of SGC owing by the employer for a quarter covered by the amnesty. The penalty will include interest and an administration fee. 

What does this mean for my business?

The amnesty is a one-off second chance for employers to reduce their exposure to penalites for unpaid SG. Employers who are aware that they have failed to comply with their SGC obligations, or are unsure whether they have fully complied since 1 July 1992, should ensure that they keep informed of the progress of the Bill. 

In particular, employers who have utilised the services of “contractors” who look-and-feel like employees should consider taking advice on whether the persons involved were legally employees for the purposes of tax, superannuation and other legislation.

If you would like further information regarding the new laws or any other issue please contact Damian Quail or Cassandra Bailey.

This article is general information only, at the date it is posted.  It is not, and should not be relied upon as, legal advice.  This article might not be updated over time and therefore may not reflect changes to the law.  Please feel free to contact us for legal advice that is specific to your situation.

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